Mercury's Involvement in the Fixing Up of Charles Yeo
Mercury's Email to Mensa and (Accidentally) Carissa
On 8 December 2022, at 1:15pm, Carissa received an email titled 'Severe Harassment by Miss Vickreman Harvey Chettiar ([Harvey's NRIC number])' from Mercury Jamie Alice via her Proton Mail account, [email protected].
The email was sent to Mensa Singapore's president and auditors email addresses. It was CCed to other Mensa Singapore contacts as well. However, for some reason, the email saved under the contact name 'Mensa Singapore Communications' was actually Carissa's Gmail address. In other words: Mercury had intended to email Mensa Singapore's communications email address, but had erroneously emailed Carissa instead.
Mercury's email reads as such:
Dear Mr President Leo Tong Seng Andrew,
My name is Miss Mercury Jamie Alice, and I am writing to lodge a formal complaint with the Mensa Singapore Management Committee about Miss Vickreman Harvey Chettiar.
Between 2019 and 2021, she had persistently manipulated myself and my partners and gained our trust, which she then abused to steal my old handphone containing intimate media and set me up for numerous criminal offences, some of which I have since been charged with and in pending in the State Courts, and the other crimes I'm still being investigated for.
After the incident of 18th February 2022, for which I had no choice but to gain access to the "Mostly High IQ" chat group in order to expose her duplicity to her fellow Mensans, she went on to doxx my girlfriend and myself on Instagram at and – these 2 posts remain up!
Between June and July this year, she created numerous false social media profiles impersonating myself and my alters, and put out many messages doxxing myself and various other individuals. She has also previously leaked intimate photos of myself and my partners, which she obtained from the handphone which she had previously stolen in November 2020, to various mutual acquaintances and people of significance, including my partner's mother, thus causing distress and irreparable damage to my partner's relationship with her mother.
She has further both threatened the physical safety of myself and my partners, and used the legal system to abuse myself and my partners by filing false cases and replies against me.
She is a compulsive liar, and she has lied numerous times to both the Police and the Courts, including falsely alleging sexual assault and going on to harass IMH using a lawsuit. I've been touch with the man whom she falsely fingered as having raped her, and later doxxed to shore up her allegations after her suit was thrown out, and he is a respected ICA officer.
She sexually assaulted a transgender teenage girl on 29th November 2021, just 11 days after doxxing the abovesaid ICA officer, and then testified in May 2022 against her victim to cover her tracks using DARVO tactics, by claiming that the victim (who is both emotionally retarded and 14 years younger than her) had tricked her into thinking that the penis is a female body part and coerced her into giving the victim a blowjob. This testimony was given in PHC/10100/2022, which was filed against the victim by Harvey's collaborator, Joyce.
I filed the PPO case PHC/10295/2022 against her and 2 other Respondents whom I suspect are collaborating with her on 1st August 2022, and I was immediately granted the EPO No. PHC/ORC/80427/2022 against Miss Vickreman, but a month later she filed the false case PHC/10330/2022 against me as revenge for the EPO to harass me and waste my time.
She is also abusing the legal process via PHC/10330/2022 to seek five-figure damages against me for posting on my own Instagram account, although everything that I said was true!
She has also instigated her girlfriend Carissa Cheow [redacted] to file PHC/10322/2022 against me in order to further harass me, and they have together breached Clause 3(b) of the Administration of Justice (Protection) Act 2016 by published a blog containing completely false and fabricated claims against me. There are various civil society and LGBTQ actors, plus numerous social justice warriors from third-party organisations, backing Miss Vickreman and as a result their smear campaign has made it impossible for me to get employment.
Miss Vickreman had leaked intimate recordings of [Jia Min], obtained from the stolen handphone who I'd had a hookup with in September 2020, and sent the recordings onward to tens of thousands of people via Telegram. As a result, Miss [Jia Min] has been instigated to file PHC/10324/2024 against me, draining yet more of my limited time and resources.
Now, Miss Vickreman is both pursuing PHC/10330/2022 and contesting my PHC/10295 in bad faith, and committing further legal abuse of myself by filing endless applications as well as seeking to delay the proceedings indefinitely, to force me to capitulate because of running out of resources as these cases take working hours away from earning money.
She is also a known terrorist, please read Harvey's own confession published at
My legal documents are attached both for your verification of my claims, which are just the tip of the iceberg, and for you to understand the full extent of her oppression of us.
In light of all these continuing misdeeds by Miss Vickreman, I am applying for her to be removed from any roles of even minor leadership in Mensa Singapore and preferably suspended altogether, plus more importantly for a Statement by the Management Committee that Mensa Singapore as an organisation doesn't support Miss Vickreman's deeds.
I would also like to request for any of your members who are lawyers, if they have some time to spare, to assist me pro bono in their outside-Mensa capacities with legal stuff.
Faithfully yours,
Miss Mercury
Mercury had also included attachments in this email – including images and/or screenshots of fake evidence (e.g. impersonating her ex, who she had tried to frame for the 9 August 2021 anthrax hoax, to send threats to herself) and messages taken grossly out of context (e.g. Mercury's victims privately expressing frustration and distress about having been treated poorly by Mercury, which Mercury cropped and represented as threats and harassment), which she had submitted as evidence for PHC/10295/2022 ('Mercury vs Harvey/Mercury's ex/Tobias').

One of the attachments was also Mercury's original unredacted claim form for PHC/10295/2022, which only Mercury would have a copy of.

Mercury's Alleged Involvement in the Fixing Up of Charles Yeo
On 12 January 2022, Charles Yeo – who was chairman of an opposition party, Reform Party, in Singapore – was arrested "for alleged offences of criminal breach of trust and forgery". We have come to learn that Mercury was allegedly involved in the fixing up of Charles Yeo, who has since sought political asylum and is currently residing in the United Kingdom.
We have come to learn the alleged context behind this entire scandal: "Charles Yeo went to work as a partner in some law firm, which had left its administrative work entirely to its non-lawyer Saha Ranjit Chandra. Compensation of $35K won by a client who'd since returned to India was to be paid out to him, but because of inefficiencies in India, he apparently instructed the law firm to pay out the money to Saha (whom the client had been interfacing to the firm with for months), who'd then see to sending the funds to him in India."
We further understand that, allegedly, "Charles Yeo acted on the client's instructions, and signed off on the release of the $35K from the law firm's Client Account, but Saha Ranjit Chandra ultimately withdrew the funds under Charles Yeo's name. The client made a police report denying ever instructing the law firm to release his funds to Saha Ranjit Chandra, and Charles Yeo was investigated for siphoning off the $35K, as it was withdrawn under his name. The client's prior instructions to the firm were given in writing from Saha's email account as the client himself does not have email, but the disputed client's instructions came not from Saha's email account but rather Mercury's one." Mercury's email, in this case, refers to her Proton Mail: [email protected].
We understand that "Mercury had been told to use a burner email address, which [Mercury would] be willing to dispose of afterwards, but instead [Mercury had] used [her] Proton Mail account, which [Mercury is] not willing to throw away as it is connected to [Mercury's] Proton Drive." We understand that the person who delivered these instructions to Mercury was allegedly Mr Chen Kok Siang Joseph, who had heard of Mercury in relation to Harvey.
We understand that Joseph Chen was allegedly "hired" by "not the entire AGC", but rather "some specific folks within the AGC who were put to the job", "to fix up Charles Yeo for a long-term by instigating various former clients and other folks to file a zerg rush of complaints against Charles Yeo". Additionally, we understand that Joseph Chen allegedly received "two payments, of $60K and then $90K".
We understand that Mercury had allegedly "struck a deal with the Government in early 2020, after Harvey's table throwing, to be one of their third-party fixers for things that the State actors can't get their hands dirty directly." This table-throwing incident refers to an occurrence that took place on 3 February 2020. We understand that Harvey had been at a Pre-Trial Conference (PTC) in an attempt to seek justice for her rape at IMH in 2014 through legal processes, but had experienced a flashback during this PTC. We understand that as a result, Harvey flipped a marble table while in this flashback state. Please see 'Who the Hell are Mohd Nordin and Syafik/Iskandar?' for more information about Harvey's rape.
We understand that Mercury was allegedly "one of the Government's third-party fixers for the kind of things that the State cannot risk using civil servants just in case things go south and the fixers become exposed publicly." We understand that Mercury allegedly agreed to this deal because of the circumstances she was facing in 2020, "i.e. lacking money and computer components for [Mercury's] PC, among various other complaints, and Harvey was not supplying Mercury anywhere near an acceptable amount of money each month". Moreover, allegedly, "there is the understanding that such service to the State keeps one in the good books, and might result in future favours." We understand that these alleged "future favours" are not necessarily "defined at the outset, but rather may be given as some need arises and the third-party fixer make a request for it."
Moreover, we understand that, allegedly, "Mr Wong Yuen Kai Lucien, S.C. had some 3rd party, i.e. not connected to the civil service, do the needful for the cops to fix up Charles Yeo." Lucien Wong is the current Attorney General (AG) of Singapore. We understand that the "3rd party" in this case refers specifically to Mercury.