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Harvey's Letter of Explanation, Retraction & Apology

In our previous post, ‘Hate Mail #1’, we noted that hours before her Case Management Conference (CMC) commenced on 9 November 2022, Harvey had submitted the following correspondences to the Community Justice and Tribunals System (CJTS) portal:

  • Screenshot of CJTS correspondence, submitted by Harvey on 11 November 2022, at 1:02am. Message reads: "I have told your damned kangaroo Court courteously that I am not ready to allocate the time or focus this year to deal with this case, but it seems that sweet words cannot convey the deadly seriousness of my message. Do I need to lay in wait outside the State Courthouse for the damned prostitute to speedy process, and open his skull with an axe in order to adequately convey to him the message to leave me the hell alone and let me have peace for the rest of this year?" Supporting document attached is a file titled 'PHC-APPL-28188-2022'.
  • Screenshot of CJTS correspondence, submitted by Harvey on 11 November 2022, at 1:10am. Message reads: "On second thought, it would make a fair bit more sense for me to find that damned mongrel Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam whose bright idea the PHC Courts were in the first place, and convey to him with an as-yet-unpurchased axe my experience with his brainchild, so that his permanent incapacitation can serve as a warning to the other PAP fascists who have not yet been deposed from power by any Capitol-style insurrection in Singapore, which is full of cowardly and apathetic citizenry!" Supporting document attached is a file titled 'PHC-APPL-28188-2022'.
  • Screenshot of CJTS correspondence, submitted by Harvey on 11 November 2022, at 8:30am. Message reads: "Please note that the date in my Application No. PHC-APPL-28298-2022 should be Friday 26 July 2013, and not Friday 13 July 2013 as erroneously entered therein. In addition, please note that I am not actually applying for anything in the said process, but it rather serves as my Declaration of Intent against the elected and selected statespersons from the People's Action Party."
  • Screenshot of CJTS correspondence, submitted by Harvey on 11 November 2022, at 8:42am. Message reads: "However, my more immediate intentions are more modest, and involve the incapacitation via the infliction of permanent injury to the Dishonorable District Kangaroo Mr Kessler Soh Boon Leng, who saw to my torment in 2013 and 2014, and now still has the gall to grab my criminal case for Vandalism of the Supreme Courthouse, and fix himself as the judge for my criminal trial! I am still in the process of tracking him down to his exact residential address, and planning the operation to pay him back."
  • Screenshot of CJTS correspondence, submitted by Harvey on 11 November 2022, at 6:37pm. Message reads: "I place on record my retraction of those contents of my correspondences of 9th November 2022 (which were filed at 1:02am, 1:10am and 8:30am) which may be construed as threats, and would like to state that I had been driven to communicate these thoughts precisely due to my lack of capacity, as a result of the circumstances of my family members being murdered, to deal psychologically with the PHC cases; and I'm also likewise unable to actually carry out any such threats as may be afore-construed.

Slideshow depicting screenshots of Harvey’s CJTS correspondences

We also noted that Harvey had streamed the start of her CMC on Instagram Live. The broadcast had lasted about 6½ minutes in total. Harvey had promptly complied and stopped the recording after her CMC judge, District Judge Mr Sheikh Umar, told her that this was not allowed.

In the continued interest of transparency on our end, we would like to update that Harvey has since submitted a Letter of Explanation, Retraction & Apology with regards to her CJTS correspondences and her broadcasting of the CMC.

It is available for viewing here: