4D Chess: The Prosecution's Case Theory
In our previous post ‘4D Chess Explained: The Three Explanations of The Situation’, we outlined the three explanations for resolving the legal situation revolving Harvey and Mercury. We understand that the prosecution in Singapore is leaning towards pursuing a combination of Explanations B and C (specifically Explanation C1 with reference to those Mercury and hostile actors have already 'tested the waters' with) as their current case theory.
We also understand that the reason that multiple actors want to disprove Explanation A at all costs is that accepting the premises of Explanation A means accepting its conclusions, which have troubling implications for the safety and security of Singapore and the world.
For instance, we understand that both the Prosecution and the Police believe that they have sufficient technical evidence to conclusively link the ownership and operation of all of Mercury's burner accounts to Harvey, solely because the Line2 numbers associated with these burner accounts were registered under Harvey's name and identity. More details can be found in Carissa's 100-page letter to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), with particular reference to paragraphs 40 to 75.
We wish to reiterate: these Line2 numbers may be registered to Harvey's name, but who used Harvey's identity to register them? None other than the one and only Mercury Jamie Alice. So why does Harvey get the blame here and not Mercury?
If the Line2 accounts being registered under Harvey's name and identity is sufficient evidence to point to her owning and operating these accounts, does that set a legal precedent for people to be able to commit identity theft in order to push criminal culpability onto innocent people?
To jump to the relevant sections:
Why Mercury?
The prosecution wishes to pin Harvey for the crimes committed by Mercury in order to exonorate her so that she can be fielded as a candidate in the 2029 General Elections as Indranee Rajah's protégé. We understand that Indranee wishes to do this in order for the PAP to have their own trans candidate in their lineup, and both Indranee and China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) wish to grant Mercury this position in exchange for her silence on their deeds.
Explanations B and C: why not both?
We understand that the state has both bought into and enabled Explanation B - or the 'Harvey Setup' narrative - by allowing multiple Christian far-right operations to proceed unimpeded and through enabling and coercing Mercury into committing crimes against Harvey and her associates.
We also understand that Harvey was arrested on 5 April 2024 after having her bail revoked. On 13 April 2024, she was asked by an Investigative Officer to shift the blame for multiple crimes onto Carissa.
Following this, Harvey was served eight more charges on 20 May 2024, and she was arraigned in court for them on 23 May 2024. The state has since been working to frame up any potential alibis for these charges for random unsolved crimes in order to prevent Harvey from being able to evade sentencing, as well as to pressure Harvey into pleading guilty.
For instance, we understand that the alibi for Harvey's 10th charge, Sameer Hussein, has submitted a Statutory Declaration to the courts in Harvey's defense. However, he was wrongfully identified and charged with a Penal Code § 375 offense involving a two-year-old toddler based upon matching the culprit’s physical profile. He has since lost employment from the Ministry of Education and has been remanded on Monday 13 January 2025 under Criminal Procedure Code § 247(3) to IMH for forensic psychiatric assessment.
In addition, we understand that the alibi for Harvey's 6th and 7th criminal charges, M, has been accused by a drug courier of delivering narcotics to them in December 2024, and is now on remand and awaiting trial in late January 2025 for allegedly trafficking not less than 18.09 grams of diamorphine. We understand that AGC Legal Service Officer Rujan S/O Nagarajan told Harvey that the amount M was charged for can be reduced by 3.1g to 14.99g if the Prosecution receives her full cooperation in her State Courts criminal case SC-903591-2020 in January 2025.
The 4-person frameup
We understand that the police have raided Sameer Hussein's house, and in doing so managed to acquire items with the names Alethea, Luca, Cerberus and Sylvan, who are understood to comprise an entity called 'Reaper Angel'.
We also understand that the case theory currently being worked on is that Harvey, Carissa, Joyce and Erica are these four people respectively, and that they are believed to be responsible for framing up Mercury.
This case theory, however, does not hold water, as the four people believed to be Reaper Angel were not even all acquainted, let alone as part of the same group, going back to 2020/2021, which was when the alleged frame ups of Mercury first started.