[BREAKING NEWS] Carissa Goes Public with 25-Page Letter to the AGC
Carissa has made available her letter to the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC), dated 27 March 2023. The AGC has replied her letter on 30 March 2023. Her accompanying materials "amount to over 900 pages per envelope".

Here is are screenshots of Carissa's Facebook post on 5 April 2023:

Transcript of Carissa's Facebook post:
I am making available my letter to the Attorney-General's Chambers dated 27 March 2023 regarding various ongoing matters involving an individual I have previously highlighted some instances of their actions against myself and other persons before.
A copy of the letter is available for your own viewing at this link: https://ipfs.thirdwebcdn.com/.../QmY1Y3mjTKnjKi3G1DaL2Ge.../
I detail the background to the matter, and make clear my position on several claims which I understand have been advanced against myself and other persons who have been targeted before.
Please reach out to me should you wish to find out more, and let your loved ones and other persons close to you know that this has been happening so that they may be able to protect themselves. Share this post if you can.
It has taken the continuous efforts of people actively looking out for one another for myself and many of the other victims of this person to have even survived this long, but the damage has already been done and it is clearly not insignificant. Even so, it pains me to write that some lives have already been lost in the process and even one life lost is one life too many.
We have to look out for each other more than ever in times like this, especially when such adversaries are far more well resourced than we can ever be because there are significant vested interests amongst certain quarters to weaponize this matter to make it easier for them to enforce their own beliefs on our society, laws, public policy, and politics, at the expense of others.
I am not interested in altering their beliefs or imposing anything on anyone. I am interested in surviving and not dying. I am interested in those I care deeply about - and there are many such persons because community and care is what sustains us - likewise surviving and not dying. This can only be done when we are both able and willing to keep each other safe.
This is not a partisan or ideological matter, and this is not an identity politics or "culture war" matter. All sorts of folks across the board have been harmed. Young children and senior citizens have been targeted, as have persons of all other ages. Cis or trans persons, straight or queer persons; all have been targeted. Persons of all races and nationalities have been targeted, and persons professing different faiths and persons with other non-faith beliefs have been targeted.
This is a matter of keeping all of us safe and secure.
It has not been easy. Today is Day 289.
I am thankful the Attorney-General's Chambers has replied my letter on 30 March 2023 upon having received the necessary materials which I have delivered on 28 March 2023. These amount to over 900 pages per envelope. It is a lot to take in, even for them. The Singapore Police Force has also put in a tremendous amount of effort to investigate this matter, given its scale and persistence.
I pray that this matter will ultimately be resolved in the fullness of time and give rise to a much safer Singapore where all of us can be at home and not have to go through another case like this.
Thank you to every one of you who have lent me and lent us your support, care, and solidarity in whichever ways you can afford in your circumstances. For those who can support in other material ways, please reach out to me through DMs.
May this year and the years to come be better than the past one.
A copy of Carissa's 25-page letter to the AGC is available here: https://ipfs.thirdwebcdn.com/ipfs/QmY1Y3mjTKnjKi3G1DaL2Ge1sfjxcKXxVYzNPmXoPeiMaS/?fbclid=IwAR08uu5sTdWYGdEgDXZlIwdsl8-XSeMvFcitYl3Nly1wLH09v-T76Suknmg.
The URL link to access Carissa's Facebook post is available here: tinyurl.com/AGC-letter-on-MJA.